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Deep Sea Fishing Alaska

fishing kayak with motor

There are many different types of fishing in Alaska, but it is the summer season when you'll catch the most King Salmon and Halibut. The months of mid-May to mid-June are also good for halibut. Other fish that you can catch in Alaska's saltwater are Red Snapper, Black Bass, and Ling Cod. The best place to go deep sea fishing is Alaska!

North Country Halibut Charters

North Country Halibut Charters is an Alaska-based family-owned fishing charter. Since its inception, the company has been a leader in halibut fishing for more than 40 years. The charters use state-of-the-art fishing equipment and provide interior restrooms and heated cabins for the comfort of the angler. They welcome both beginners and experienced anglers, even if you are not a professional at fishing.

Crackerjack Charters

Crackerjack Charters will provide you with an unforgettable Alaskan fishing trip. This Seward fishing charter is a long-standing favorite for catching trophy fish in Alaska. They were awarded the Best of Alaska Award in 2008 and have been growing their business ever since. It is also quite close to Anchorage and you will be able enjoy the scenery while you travel.

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Crazy Rays Adventures

A charter company that offers multi-species or halibut fishing trips in Whittier, Alaska is a great option for a memorable fishing trip. These boats are equipped with the latest equipment and available in a range of sizes. Whittier, which is located in central Alaska's southernmost city of Anchorage and is an ideal spot for fishing in southcentral Alaska. While you're on a charter, consider booking a multi-day sea duck hunt. Prince William Sound offers a variety of waterfowl, making it an ideal place to spot these birds.

M/V Equinox

A 53-foot fiberglass motor yacht M/V Equinox is the perfect vessel for adventurous Alaskan adventures. The yacht charter yacht M/V Equinox has three staterooms and two bathrooms. It also features a classic yacht interior. Trips depart from Sitka and end in Anchorage, Alaska and explore the waters around Chichagof Island, the Baranof Islands, and the Inside Passage. Brooks Areson is the Equinox's manager, Cameo Padilla is a Sitka native with many years of fishing experience.

Big Blue Charters

Big Blue Charters can take you fishing in Alaska's deep water. The company departs Sitka in Alaska and offers quality fishing trips for Salmon, Halibut, or other big game fish. These waters are excellent for charter fishing, due to their natural fishery as well as the protected waters. Charter fishing can also take place from large BAMF boat, which are very well-maintained.

hunting and fishing

Captain Joel Miller

Chartering a boat with Captain Joel Miller is a great way to have an unforgettable experience. The captain is an expert on the ocean, having spent time on pleasure yachts as well as research vessels. This knowledge translates into customized experiences such as kayaking, bay tours and remote camping. In addition, he holds a United States Coast Guard 100-ton license and is certified as a CERT (Certified Emergency Medical Technician).

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To fish, do you need a rod?

Yes. A bobber keeps the bait safe from being taken by other fisherman when they are fishing. The bobber has two parts: the float and the line. Attach the hook to the line at the end and then let go. If you don't use a bobber, the lure may sink into the water, which makes it difficult for the fish to bite.

What should I wear for fishing?

Wear clothes that protect you from the elements. It's a good idea to have gloves, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat. Insect repellent is also a good idea.

Do I need special licenses to fish?

You cannot unless you plan on taking fish out of the state or beyond county boundaries. Many states allow anglers fish without the need for a license. Check with your local Fish & Wildlife agency to see what is required.

Can I fish throughout the day?

Yes, fishing is possible at all hours of the day. You can only fish during bans.

What length is the perfect fishing rod length?

The size of the fish you want to catch will dictate the length of the fishing rod. If you want to catch smallmouth bass, a rod of 6'6 inches would be the best. A 7'5" rod may be better if you are looking for largemouth bass.


  • Orvis, Simms, and Fishpond have been making some of the best packs and vests for a long time, and it seems like 90% of the anglers around the area use these brands. (troutandsteelhead.net)
  • For most freshwater species you are most likely to target when first starting out, a reel size of 20 to 30 should be more than enough! (strikeandcatch.com)
  • It is estimated there are at least 2 million people who go fishing in California each year. (californiayachtsales.com)
  • About 40 percent of all fish are freshwater species. (takemefishing.org)

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How To

How to Tie a Fishing Lure Like a Pro

Here are the steps to make simple fishing lures in different colors and materials.

Step 1: Cut 2 pieces of twine approximately 3/4 inches in width.

Step 2: Fold one piece of twine in half.

Step 3 - Twist both ends together.

Step 4 Wrap the end the second twine piece around the first one so the knot is in the loop.

Step 5: Pull the loop tight.

Step 6: Repeat step 4 from the opposite side.

Step 7: Use a needle to secure the knot.

Step 8: Remove excess twine.


Deep Sea Fishing Alaska